A New Blog Home for 2016 and Beyond!

I’m excited to announce that I am building a new blog home for us! You’ll still see the kinds of posts you love over there (I’ll still post news for my hyperemesis gravidarum sisters as I find it), but there will be so much more: Activities for kids, fun things to do in St. Louis, yummy things to eat, and so much more! And of course, you will find all of my old posts there in one easy place for you to explore, so never fear!

This blog has grown so much since its humble beginnings, and it’s time we move to a new place that has room for us all!

If you already follow this blog, you don’t have to do anything at all! WordPress assures me they can move you guys over easy-peasy.

I will be changing the names of my social channels over the next few weeks in preparation for the big move, but don’t worry. It’s still me.

So add this URL to your favorites and stay tuned! I’ve got some great posts planned for 2016!

Two Little Grasshoppers – https://twolittlegrasshoppers.com/